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Bryce Blais

I have worked with many different people in venues across canada. I am still learning and growing, improving myself with every opportunity. I have enjoyed a job well done with big names like Blue Rodeo, Jim Cuddy, Tom Cochrane, JJ Walker, Ted and Marion Outerbridge, White Horse, Billy Boldwin as well as local to international companies like Production Resource Group, Dubai Opera Theatre and Fly By Foy. To all of them I owe thanks because from all I have learned new things and grew as a person. In this field it is hard to write down everything you have done and what your experiences are, there are so many.

Some things I have picked up along the way: Welding, metal fabrication, carpentry, painting, prop building, restoration, electrical, Electronics, lighting theory, sound reinforcement, sound design, production management, sales, client service, resourcefulness, patience and the ability to know when to use tai chi and when to use wing chun.

How do you describe getting to a venue through a northern ontario blizzard or building set pieces outside your hotel in the dark at minus 25... All I know about my skills and experience is that I have (without a doubt) the passion, drive, imagination and resourcefulness to overcome any obstacle.

When it is all said and done I can write 1000 words but seeing is believing.



                             "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right!"


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